Spammm [Noble] - Bryony owns this picturee.

Brynoyyy [Vaughne] - Sam owns this picturee.
cool i can edit this page.
l erm...hiya!!!
*whispers* gaynessssss
-- [Noble]
Yes, Sam you can edit the page :D well done ^-^
And Sam, we've discussed this
*whispers* it takes one to know one xD teehee
-- [

awww i don't like that picture, i'ma gonna have to take more.

This is the picture Bryony's friend Ginny [TwilightNight] drew of Sam and Bryony. It is copyrighted to her, and any edits, saves, or reposts will not be allowed. Thanks.

Look we're just so cool that the photo couldn't handle our coolness! (:
i know, it was like blam!!, i got a memroy card today for the camera
Yay now it can take more than nine photos (:
it can take 565 now or something like that
=O Ace (: we gotta talk on the comment box again (: then we can open this to the public! =D
yeah i gotta admit this seems ot happen on everything
Indeed (: comment box time!! ^-^
Friend space... =)
Where our friends can edit the page :D but don't edit anything from above the line.
Sign your name and write something (: Now. What are you waiting for?
[phoenixborn] So, I can write here now? I mean, seriously, you want to give me some element of control over what goes on your wiki? FOOOL! And Bryony you can't stop me cause this aint your page. It's Brynoys. I answer only to her. So bring me Brynoy, and we shall talk! *pelts you both with meatballs*....
MY MEATBALLS! Give them back you charlatans! *Threateningly waves Push-pop rescued from the 90's in a daring raid involving 2 pieces of wood one precisely 13.4276984mm shorter than the other, 2 cream crackers, a christmas tree, Burt Renolds, 29 shorter-than-dwarfs-but-not-quite-as-short-as-midgets, and a small elasticated Herring*
[Sophia] *fidgets* HIII!!!!!.....
yeah, that's pretty much all I wanted to say... other than... YOU ROCK!... but I've said that too now...
Luff you both! xxx
[Lexxi Scuzz] YO!! I've managed to turn my pointer/cursor thing into a gropey hand of doom!! It keeps stroking the screen... :o XD Yeah.. in other news something has mashed my brain! =D yay! XD XD
Lolz xxx
[shinobi14] I miss Bryony... *cries* I don't like this new girl, Brynoy. She smells funny. >.<
... Although that may be the meatballs.
BWAHAHA!! Now I have discovered this wiki, I will never leave! *evil cackle* I will have to set up camp. I'll need a few things... *opens scroll of parchment, rolling across the floor*
*giggle* Love you both!
[I be THE MAT!] Why the hell am i here? why am i putting down some crapola on this wiki? Proberly cuz im bored lol
Well sam knew you since kershaw when we were little (yay for worms armegeddon ^_^) and bry since the party, where we got drunk and snogged pratically everyone there lol
And less I forget about that one New Years Eve, I KNOW YOU TWO DID SOMETHING THAT NIGHT, DO NOT DENY IT ^_^
Luv you all the best ^^
[The Incredible Bulk] Hola, como estas?, Bryolini y spam es my Amigos y brynin es muy bonitto^^.Yeah..i felted like saying that..knowing my spanish i got it allll wrong D:. sam is the person i make come round to the freal corridor weather he likes it or not.
[The Hidden Flame] well first off im disgusted that i was not informed IMEDIATLY of this relationship. for this i will have to perform some routin checks. you know what i mean right? i aint explaining it...
well anyway bryonys pretty much my closest friend on here nowadays and 'spam'... i dont even know but i expect i will know him soon. ^^
[WHIPSTICKAGOSTOP] : Hii guyssss. Nice wiki. scribble attack, quite funneh. Sammm saaaaammmmm my brotherrrrr sammmmmmmm. And his girlfriend bryonyyy, who has good taste in clothes, music and is a generel nice person, even though I've only met her once upon a VERY drunken night.
Ode to them both! *moshes out* =] xxxxx
[TwilightNight] Mamma mia! Great wiki you guys! I'm honoured to have my drawing on your wiki *sniffs* You two are so great together! :D
[angel4evr] lots of preety colours *.*. oo and its a ace wiki go sam and bryony ...*grasps at colours*
[Mr. Oogie Boogie] *sighs... this would be much more profound if i wasnt been forced.... ah well.. here goes *takes the stage*... uhm... go team go?.. yeah.. wooo.. you beat those.. ah whatever *bows and waits for an applaud.. notices a bug on the wall at the other side of the room.... stares...*
[Berserk] Zzzzz
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